• Rust Development
    • Using Cross to Cross-comp...
  • Compile a C program for the board using SDK
    • Create a BSP using phyLinux
      • Add a Given Recipe to BSP
        • Add LVGL Demo into BSP
          • AM64x: Boot-selection
            • Copy SD Card Image to an SD Card
              • Copy Software to the Board via SSH and SCP
                • Getting and Running the PHYTEC VM
                  • Install FTDI Driver on Windows
                    • Set Static IP Address in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
                      • Setup a Second Network Interface in the Virtual Machine
                        • Setup qbee Device Management on phyBOARD-Polis
                          • Using phyLinux to build a yocto BSP with a build-container
                            • Using thingsboard.io to connect phyBOARD-Polis to the Cloud

                              Add LVGL Demo into BSP


                              This tutorial has only been tested with the phyBOARD-Pollux.


                              Add the LVGL Demo to an existing BSP.


                              You have an initialized phyLinux folder and a yocto built in it. (Create a BSP using phyLinux)


                              The recipe for the PHYTEC LVGL demo is part of meta-lvgl-demo.

                              Go to BSP source folder and clone meta-lvgl-demo
                              cd Path/to/your/BSP/folder # navigate to your BSP folder
                              cd sources # Navigate to the directory for all layers
                              git clone https://github.com/phytec/meta-lvgl-demo.git # clone the layer containing the LVGL demo

                              Add the layer to the build configuration and build the LVGL demo into the image.

                              Clone meta-lvgl-demo
                              cd .. # navigate back to main BSP folder
                              source sources/poky/oe-init-build-env # source yocto script
                              bitbake-layers add-layer ../sources/meta-lvgl-demo/ # Add the layer to your build
                              echo 'IMAGE_INSTALL_append += " lvgl-demo-wl"' >> conf/local.conf # Add the LVGL demo application
                              # run bitbake for your image

                              The LVGL demo is installed as /usr/bin/lvgl-demo-wl